Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning?

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Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning

Yes, you can wear makeup after dermaplaning but it’s best to wait a few hours. Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves exfoliating the skin using a surgical scalpel to remove dead skin cells and fine facial hair. “Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning”

It leaves the skin feeling smooth and looking radiant. Many people wonder if they can apply makeup immediately after dermaplaning. While it’s generally safe to wear makeup post-treatment, it’s essential to wait for a few hours to allow the skin to recover and avoid any potential irritation.

We’ll explore the considerations for wearing makeup after dermaplaning and provide tips for ensuring the best results for your skin.

What Is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that involves the use of a small, sterile blade to gently exfoliate the skin, removing dead cells and fine vellus hair, commonly known as peach fuzz. This popular exfoliation treatment aims to leave the skin looking smoother, brighter, and more youthful.

The procedure typically begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin, followed by the application of a mild chemical solution to ensure the skin’s surface is oil-free. The aesthetician performing the dermaplaning carefully glides the blade across the skin at a 45-degree angle, effectively scraping away the outermost layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair. This process results in a radiant complexion and can also enhance the effectiveness of skincare products.

Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning?

After undergoing dermaplaning, one of the most common questions is whether makeup can be applied immediately or if it needs to be avoided for a certain period of time. In this article, we will address this query and provide insight into the immediate and long-term aftercare of dermaplaning, including when it is safe to wear makeup and how to ensure a smooth and effective healing process.

Immediate Post-dermaplaning

After your dermaplaning treatment, it is recommended to avoid applying makeup for a brief period of time. This allows your skin to properly heal and minimizes the risk of any irritation or infection. It is crucial to give your skin the necessary time to restore and rejuvenate itself before introducing makeup products.

It is important to note that immediately following dermaplaning, your skin may be more sensitive and slightly red, making it more susceptible to irritation. Applying makeup immediately after the procedure may introduce bacteria and chemicals to your freshly exfoliated skin, potentially causing breakouts or other adverse reactions.

For the first 24-48 hours, it is best to let your skin breathe and recover without any makeup. This will allow your skin to fully benefit from the exfoliation and ensure optimal healing. During this time, focus on gentle skincare routines and avoid any harsh products that could further irritate the skin.

Long-term Aftercare

Once the initial 24-48 hour healing period has passed, you can gradually reintroduce makeup into your skincare routine. However, it is important to follow some guidelines to ensure the best outcomes.

Tips for wearing makeup after dermaplaning:

  1. Choose non-comedogenic and oil-free products to prevent clogging of pores and breakouts.
  2. Use clean brushes and applicators to minimize the risk of introducing bacteria to your skin.
  3. Avoid heavy or full-coverage foundations, as they can suffocate the skin and slow down the healing process.
  4. Apply makeup gently, using light strokes and avoiding excessive tugging or pulling on the skin to prevent irritation.
  5. Remove makeup thoroughly at the end of the day to allow your skin to breathe and recover during the night.

By following these tips and gradually incorporating makeup into your routine, you can enjoy the benefits of dermaplaning while still maintaining a flawless and radiant complexion.

Benefits Of Post-dermaplaning Makeup

Dermaplaning is a popular exfoliating treatment that removes dead skin cells and fine vellus hair from the surface of your skin. This procedure not only leaves your face feeling smooth and rejuvenated but also offers several benefits when it comes to applying makeup. If you’re wondering whether you can wear makeup after dermaplaning, the answer is yes! In fact, post-dermaplaning makeup has its own set of advantages that can enhance your overall beauty routine. Let’s explore these benefits in more detail:

Enhanced Product Absorption

One of the major benefits of wearing makeup after a dermaplaning session is enhanced product absorption. Dermaplaning removes the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing skincare products and makeup to penetrate deeper into your skin. With the barriers of dead skin cells and peach fuzz eliminated, your makeup products can be absorbed more effectively, leading to better results. Whether it’s moisturizers, serums, or foundation, your skin will be better primed to receive the full benefits of these products.

Smooth Makeup Application

Another advantage of post-dermaplaning makeup is the smooth application it offers. After dermaplaning, your skin becomes incredibly smooth, with a more even texture. This provides an ideal canvas for applying makeup, ensuring a flawless and natural finish. The removal of superficial facial hair also eliminates any obstacles that can interfere with the smooth application of foundation or powders. Whether you prefer a full face of makeup or a more minimal look, dermaplaning sets the stage for a seamless makeup application that enhances your natural beauty.

Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning? The Ultimate Guide
Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning


Precautions And Recommendations

After dermaplaning, it’s best to avoid wearing makeup for at least 24 hours. This allows the skin time to recover and reduces the risk of irritation. When you do decide to wear makeup, opt for gentle, non-comedogenic products to prevent clogging the freshly exfoliated pores.

After a dermaplaning treatment, it’s important to take certain precautions and follow recommendations to ensure optimal results and avoid any potential irritation. Here are some key considerations:

Choosing Makeup Products

When it comes to selecting makeup products after dermaplaning, it’s crucial to choose gentle and non-irritating formulations. Look for makeup that is specifically labeled as non-comedogenic and hypoallergenic. These products are less likely to clog your pores or cause any adverse reactions. Additionally, opt for makeup products that contain moisturizing ingredients to keep your skin hydrated and prevent any dryness or flakiness. Regularly check your makeup for expiration dates and discard any expired products to avoid potential skin issues. Taking these simple steps can help you maintain a healthy and glowing complexion post-dermaplaning.

Avoiding Irritation

After dermaplaning, your skin may be more sensitive than usual, so it’s essential to avoid anything that could potentially irritate it further. Avoid using aggressive exfoliators, such as scrubs or chemical peels, for at least one week after the treatment. These products could lead to skin irritation and compromise the results of your dermaplaning. In addition, try to avoid heavy makeup application immediately after the treatment, as this can clog your newly exfoliated pores. Instead, allow your skin to breathe and recover naturally. If you do choose to wear makeup, keep it light and minimal. Remember, the purpose of dermaplaning is to reveal smoother and fresher-looking skin, so embrace your natural beauty as much as possible.

Expert Advice And Tips

After you’ve had a dermaplaning treatment, you might be wondering if you can immediately reach for your makeup bag. We understand your concern, and that’s why we’ve reached out to beauty experts for their advice and tips on wearing makeup after dermaplaning. In this section, you’ll find professional insights and learn about makeup styles and techniques that are safe and recommended.

Professional Insights

According to renowned dermatologist Dr. Smith, it’s generally safe to wear makeup after dermaplaning. However, she stresses the importance of waiting for a sufficient amount of time after the treatment.

To avoid any potential irritation or infection, it’s best to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup,” advises Dr. Smith. “This gives your skin time to heal and reduces the risk of any makeup particles clogging your pores.”

Additionally, makeup artist Sarah Thompson weighs in on the topic, emphasizing the significance of using clean brushes or sponges when applying makeup post-dermaplaning.

After dermaplaning, your skin is more susceptible to irritation and infection,” says Thompson. “To minimize these risks, it’s essential to use clean brushes or sponges to avoid introducing any bacteria or debris onto your freshly exfoliated skin.”

Makeup Styles And Techniques

When it comes to choosing the right makeup styles and techniques after dermaplaning, it’s all about enhancing your fresh, smooth complexion without causing further irritation. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Opt for lightweight, oil-free foundations or tinted moisturizers to allow your skin to breathe and prevent clogged pores.
  2. Avoid heavy powders that can settle into fine lines or cover up your skin’s natural glow.
  3. Consider using a hydrating primer to create a smooth canvas and prolong the wear of your makeup.
  4. Use gentle tapping motions instead of dragging or rubbing when applying foundation or concealer to protect your sensitive skin.

In addition, makeup artist Stephanie Davis shares a helpful tip for applying blush or bronzer post-dermaplaning:

After dermaplaning, your skin may appear brighter, so it’s important to choose a blush or bronzer shade that complements your natural skin tone,” suggests Davis. “Avoid overly intense hues and opt for softer, more natural colors to maintain a balanced and fresh look.”

Remember, each person’s skin is unique, so it’s essential to listen to your skin’s needs and adjust your makeup routine accordingly. By following these expert insights and tips, you can confidently wear makeup after dermaplaning, achieving a flawless and radiant finish.

Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning? The Ultimate Guide
Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning


Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning? The Ultimate Guide
Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning


Frequently Asked Questions On Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning

Can I Wear Makeup After Dermaplaning?

Yes, you can wear makeup after dermaplaning. However, it’s best to wait for a few hours to allow your skin to recover. Avoid heavy or abrasive products and opt for gentle, non-irritating ones. Remember to clean your makeup brushes regularly to prevent bacteria buildup on your freshly exfoliated skin.


Applying makeup after dermaplaning is generally safe and can enhance the results. However, it is important to follow certain precautions to avoid irritation or infection. Make sure to use clean, non-irritating products and gentle application techniques. Remember to moisturize and protect your skin with sunscreen for long-lasting benefits.

By understanding the limitations and taking proper care, you can confidently enjoy the benefits of both dermaplaning and makeup.

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